Friday, May 4, 2012

4th Year Film!

Whoa, a new post! That means films are over. And so here's my last film at Calarts:
Thanks to everyone who helped and supported me in the making of this film! Hope you enjoy :)


Unknown said...

That was incredible! I loved the story and layouts so much. This was really one of the best films I've watched in awhile.

ichibonnie said...

Hi Car.os. You are a talented young man and I enjoyed your film,unique story. I have a question for you. How did you finally get into CalArts. I ask you because my son is so interested in going there. He currently studies at a university and his Bachelors would be in animation,special effects,computer graphics and the professors there are people who've been in the movie industry. I would love it if you'd write me back with some info like how much did it cost you,did you have a scholarship (my son does right now)and the entry part, the portfolio what can you include.No one better than an actual student to let you know how it went. Please write me and let me know, I am very distressed because he is very talented and I don't want him to give up. Thank you, Bonnie

Unknown said...

I just watched this film last night on YouTube. This morning I came across the first page of your blog and saw your post about wanting to get into Calarts. Then I saw the film on your blog and realized it was you that created it! It's great to see you lived your dream and are producing such awesome work now.

Unknown said...

I just watched this film last night on YouTube. This morning I came across the first page of your blog and saw your post about wanting to get into Calarts. Then I saw the film on your blog and realized it was you that created it! It's great to see you lived your dream and are producing such awesome work now.